+420 553 764 091 avemar@avemar.cz
+420 553 764 091 avemar@avemar.cz
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Série 2480 - Pojistný ventil pro kryogení aplikace


Katalogové číslo Série 2480
Výrobce Goetze KG Armaturen
Teplota: - 200°C .. + 200°C
Tlakový rozsah: 0, 2 - 70 bar
Materiál: Červený bronz
Připojení: Závitové
DN: 1", 1/2", 1/4", 3/4", 3/8"
PN: 70
Médium: kvapaliny (agresívne), kvapaliny (neutrálny), plyny (agresívne), plyny (neutrálne), výpary (agresívne), výpary (neutrálne), vzduch


Safety valve made of gunmetal, angle-type with threaded connections

The well proven safety valves series 2400 made of stainless steel receive a variant sister series, type 2480, that is made of gunmetal. It is characterised particularly by an increased outlet by one or two nominal diameters. Thus, within one valve size, there are two different performance classes available. Functionality and performance comply exactly with the sister series and it is just as stable in terms of function and high performance capability. All valves made of gunmetal are as a matter of course suitable for oxygen use and comply with basically all common delivery requirements of international standards like DIN EN, ASTM, EIGA and CGA as well as the specifications of the gas producers.

Full-lift safety valve for the protection of:

  • Containers and pipelines for the storage and transport of cryogenic liquified gases such as LIN, LOX, LAr, CO2, LNG.
  • Tunnel freezer plants
  • Dry ice blasting plants
  • Cryogenic plant construction
  • Liquid nitrogen dosing
  • Cryogenic milling process
  • Cryogenic machining
  • Ground freezing plants
  • Gases used in medical equipment
  • Plants for cryogenic gases which come into contact with foodstuffs

Safety valves are set and sealed at the factory and are oil- and grease-free as standard.

Technický dotaz

Ondřej Rozsíval, DiS.obchod a marketing

ondrej.rozsival@avemar.cz Skype: ondrej.rozsival
Tel.: +420 553 764 022 Mobil: +420 602 712 877

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Související kategorie

Poistné ventily a fitingy pre kryogénne aplikácie Ventily